Elizabeth Hauke was awarded the Best Dissertation Prize for her research dissertation submitted for the MEd in University Learning and Teaching.
The dissertation reflects part of a piece of participant ethnographic observational research carried out during the academic year 2015-16. The course studied was our first year module The World Today.
The citation reads:
An ethnographic research study of “The World Today” Horizons course; a novel course where students grapple with the big issues facing society. The examiners commented:
‘An outstanding piece of work which was a joy to read. This thesis shows the value of in-depth engagement with the literature and one can see the critical eye for detail that has been developed through the first two years of this programme. The choice of methodology is brave and really well-executed. The data uncovers so many interesting things that there are probably several areas that could have been chosen as the focus. I would encourage the student to publish and present this.’
The dissertation can be read below.
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