Global Challenges teaching at Imperial College has been cited as an excellent example of inclusive learning. Continue Reading
Tag: pedagogy
Team Based Learning Focus Group
I was recently invited to participate as a team-based learning (TBL) expert in a focus group within the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College, London. Continue Reading
President’s Medal for Excellence in Teaching
We are very pleased that Global Challenges Field Leader and Principal Teaching Fellow, Dr Elizabeth Hauke has been awarded the 2017 President’s Medal for Excellence in Teaching.
Curriculum Consultancy for BSc Global Health
We recently provided curriculum consultancy for the BSc Global Health, meeting with Dr Mariam Sbaiti, Senior Teaching Fellow and course co-ordinator. We reviewed the core curriculum, the logistics of teaching and learning on the BSc, methods of delivery and the teaching provision. In particular we discussed the difficulties of introducing active learning into a heavily content-based course with established lecturers.
Holding Your Nerve: Strategies for Implementing Transformative Experiences in Higher Education
Elizabeth Hauke led a workshop session at this year’s Imperial College Education Day, held on 16th March. The theme was transformative learning and the workshop was titled ‘Holding Your Nerve: Strategies for Implementing Transformative Experiences in Higher Education’. Continue Reading
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Embedding The Global Dimension Into Engineering Design: Empathy, Engagement and Creativity
Hauke E, Craddock D, Cresswell-Maynard K. (2015) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Embedding The Global Dimension Into Engineering Design: Empathy, Engagement and Creativity. Great Expectations: Design Teaching, Research & Enterprise. The 17th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education. Loughborough University. London, The Design Society.