I recently gave a Talking Teaching presentation on how we embed ‘Learning Fitness’ skills and values into the Change Makers curricula and learning design. Continue Reading
Tag: curriculum development
Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ‘alternative facts’
As part of this SRHE event on 3rd April 2019, I gave a talk about my paper ‘Understanding The World Today‘ – broadly covering what interpretive dance, ribbon and getting thrown out of a club have to do with navigating a world of fake news. Continue Reading
Talking Teaching: Designing Inclusive and Participatory Curricula
As part of our new Teaching and Learning Strategy at Imperial College, the Education Office has launched a series of ‘Talking Teaching’ seminars Continue Reading
Designing Interdisciplinary Education: A Practical Handbook for University Teachers (Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity)
I contributed a case study to ‘Designing Interdisciplinary Education: A Practical Handbook for University Teachers (Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity)’ titled ‘The Teacher as Co-Learner’. Continue Reading
Holding Your Nerve: Strategies for Implementing Transformative Experiences in Higher Education
Elizabeth Hauke led a workshop session at this year’s Imperial College Education Day, held on 16th March. The theme was transformative learning and the workshop was titled ‘Holding Your Nerve: Strategies for Implementing Transformative Experiences in Higher Education’. Continue Reading
Seeking the Authentic: Grounding Our Approach to the Complex, Wild and Unfamiliar
I was invited to give a presentation titled ‘Seeking the Authentic: Grounding Our Approach to the Complex, Wild and Unfamiliar’ at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam by Linda de Greef and Lucy Wenting.
Tackling interdisciplinarity early: transforming scientific expertise into global citizenship
A developed and fuller version of the conference paper presented in 2014 at Michigan State University* was presented at the National Interdisciplinary Curriculum Group meeting.
European Best Practice Award
In January 2015 we were awarded a Global Dimension in Engineering Education (GDEE) award.
European Award for Best Practice in the Integration of Sustainable Human Development into Engineering and Technical Education