Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ‘alternative facts’

As part of this SRHE event on 3rd April 2019, I gave a talk about my paper ‘Understanding The World Today‘ – broadly covering what interpretive dance, ribbon and getting thrown out of a club have to do with navigating a world of fake news. Continue Reading

Case Study: Active Learning Design

We recently faced a challenging teaching situation – accommodating 170+ individuals for the opening session of a highly interactive and student-led module, in a raked lecture theatre with a 150 seat capacity, poor acoustics and very limited access in and out of the seats.   Continue Reading

Rising to the challenge – reflections on a year teaching Global Challenges

I have now been teaching in the Global Challenges field for over a year. Most of my previous Higher Education teaching had been in social sciences following a fairly standard lecture-seminar format.  On joining the Global Challenges team, I was looking forward to adopting more innovative pedagogical practices and, a year on, I have not been disappointed.

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